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Chhattisgarh High Court Recalls Order for Regular Functioning

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Due to the increasing cases of COVID-19 in the State, the Chhattisgarh HC recalled its circular vide 16th May 2020. It states that the regular functioning of the courts will begin from today, i.e. 27th May 2020.

The courts include both the High Court as well as the other Sub-ordinate Courts. It also intimated that the courts would restrict to hear the case of an urgent nature. These include matters like bail application, suspension of sentence applications, etc.

Previous Order

On 16th May 2020, the Chhattisgarh High Court issued an order for the regular functioning of the courts. The courts decided that the High Court and the Sub-ordinate courts will start functioning w.e.f. 18th May 2020. They also mentioned that they would consider only new cases and cases for more than five years old.

The Court also issued several guidelines to avoid the spread of the pandemic in the Court. They are as follows:-

  • A limited number of cases. New cases and more than 05 years old cases, targeted for hearing and disposal.
  • If any lawyers find it difficult in the regular filing, they can use e-filing.
  • The Court will allow lawyers with listed cases or who want to file cases/documents.
  • The Court will allow one clerk for one team of lawyers. Not applicable to AG/ASG office.
  • Litigants not allowed unless directed to appear. Not applicable to AG/ASG office.
  • Any lawyer, litigant, officer, clerk, driver who comes from out of State after 01st April, must take permit of RG/designated authority a day before.
  • The Court will not allow anyone in office except for filing/copying/default removing counter.
  • Tea/refreshment/food stall is not allowed. A water dispenser is permitted in the court premises.
  • Thermal screening is necessary. Any violation of such will result in denial of a future entry.

Latest Order

An administrative order issued dated 26th May 2020 stated,

“The functioning of the HC, as well as the Subordinate Court, will revert to the system prevailing before 18th May. It is by only taking urgent cases like bail application, suspension of sentence. The same protocol will apply in the cases of the subordinate Courts. The protocol shall be applied at least for a period till 15.06.2020 until the position is brought under control.”

The order also stated that this decision would be subject to further modification. It will be based on the norms/guidelines issued by the Central or State Government, from time to time. is now on Telegram. Follow us for regular legal updates and judgements from the court. Follow us on Google News, InstagramLinkedInFacebook & Twitter. You can also subscribe for our Weekly Email Updates. You can also contribute stories like this and help us spread awareness for a better society. Submit Your Post Now.

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