Libertatem Magazine

Internship Call: Looking for people to join Legal Education Awareness Foundation

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LEAF works on socio-legal issues. We recently worked on making policy recommendations on the harassment of interns for BCI. We also actively work to generate legal awareness and have a team of people across four countries and ninety-seven cities in India and a base of over 6000 individuals.

I’m on the lookout for people with a legal background who would be interested to be a part of the Research and Analysis Wing (you may call yourself RAW Agents)


1. Must have a legal background
2. Excellent research skills
3. Age/Educational qualifications no bar (1st years, freshers, anyone can apply)
4. Ability to follow instructions and work well in a team
5. Must be from Delhi

Application procedure:

Please send me a DM at telegram or an email at with the subject ‘Application for RAW at Leaf’ with the following –

1. A small introduction (an informal one would do)
2. A brief on what you can bring to the table
3. An answer to – ‘Why do you wish to be a part of an NGO and are not seeking commercial opportunities?’
4. Your CV/ Any prior work history that might be relevant

Passion will be given more weightage than prior experience.
On the lookout for about a dozen people!

Note: This is an entirely voluntary position. Please read the post carefully, any applications/messages that don’t adhere to the above format will be automatically rejected

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