Libertatem Magazine

LexQuest 2nd National Essay Writing Competition, 2015 [Register by 30th October, Submit Essay by 4th November]

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After accomplishing LexQuest 1st National Essay Writing Competition, 2014 with flying colours, LexQuest proudly brings to you the LexQuest 2nd National Essay Writing Competition, 2015. The world is increasingly getting dependent on technology, and like any other pillar of the Government, it is indispensable for the judicial machinery to keep up with the changed/changing circumstances, to improve its efficiency.Therefore, this year, the Theme for the competition is “Need for Speed: Law on the Wheel of Technology”.

We are glad to invite students and Professionals to express their valuable viewpoints, by participating in the competition. The Theme is broad in nature; hence, the participants may take up a topic of their choice, covered under the purview of the Theme.

Theme of the Essay: “Need for Speed: Law on the Wheel of Technology”

Deadline for Registration: 30th September, 2015 30th October, 2015 [Extended on Popular Demand].

Deadline for submission: 4th October, 2015 4th November 2015 [Extended on Popular Demand].

Eligibility Criteria:

Any student pursuing any undergraduate, postgraduate or professional course in any recognized University/College in India.

Guidelines and Rules:

  • The Essay must be written in English.
  • Only one essay per participant may be submitted. Multiple or incomplete submissions will lead to disqualification.
  • Co-authorship is not permitted.
  • The essay shall not be plagiarized. Only the original essays will be considered for the competition. No part of it should have been published earlier nor should it be under consideration for publication or a contest elsewhere. Any form of plagiarism will result in disqualification of the essay. The participants will submit a separate undertaking with regard to originality of work.
  • Copyright of the Essays shall rest with the organizers. Organizers hold the right to republish the essays if required.
  • Identification mark (name or any mark which identifies the author) must not be found in any part of the essay.
  • The Participants must submit their essay via e-mail only, with the following attachments:
  1. Essay in MS Word format with the subject “Essay Writing Competition”.
  2. Cover page containing Name, Nationality, Address, e-mail id, Contact number and name of the College/University along with address and class of the Participant.

We are glad to invite students and Professionals to express their valuable viewpoints, by participating in the competition. The Theme is broad in nature; hence, the participants may take up a topic of their choice, covered under the purview of the Theme.

Length of the Essay:

  • The submission shall consist of an Abstract, Essay and Bibliography.
  • An abstract should not be of more than 250 words including title and keywords.
  • The length of the essay should be between 1,800 to 2,000 words.
  • Footnotes must conform to the authoritative standard rules of legal citation and must include a description of each authority adequate enough to allow a reasonable reader to identify and locate the authority in a publication of general circulation.


  • Font type: Times New Roman
  • Font size: 12
  • Line Spacing: 1.5
  • Page number: Top left of the page
  • Footnote size: 10


This time, LexQuest is giving prizes to all the participants under our “Everyone Wins Something” policy, in the following manner:

  • Guaranteed prize: Discount coupon worth 300/- INR for any one of our courses (Non transferable), and a certificate of appreciation, to all the participants.
  • 3rd position: LexQuest’s Cyber Law Course worth 3000/- INR, and cash prize worth 500/- INR, discount coupon worth 300/- INR for any one of our courses, and a certificate of appreciation.
  • 2nd position: LexQuest’s Cyber Law Course worth 3000/- INR, and cash prize worth 1000/- INR, discount coupon worth 300/- INR for any one of our courses, and a certificate of appreciation.
  • 1st position: LexQuest’s Cyber Law Course worth 3000/- INR, and cash prize worth 2000/- INR, discount coupon worth 300/- INR for any one of our courses, and a certificate of appreciation.
  • Best ten essays will be published on our website.


Registration fee is 350/- INR only. Special early bird registration fee for first 20 participants is 300/- INR only. If you have participated in any of our Competitions/Courses earlier, then you are eligible for an additional 10% discount. Write to us at to avail your discount coupon.

NOTE: All queries and submissions must be sent to only, with the subject: “LexQuest 2nd National Essay Writing Competition, 2015”.

So, what are you waiting for? Register today! Fill our form here.

You can make the Online Payment here! (Other payment options may be available on request)

Once you have filled the above form, we will contact you and send you the payment options.

Important links:

Official Notification

Registration Form

Online Payment

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