Libertatem Magazine

Call for Submissions: Legal Desire International Journal on Law, Issue: X; Internationally Acclaimed & Indexed

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The Internationally Acclaimed and Indexed Print Journal, ‘Legal Desire International Journal on Law’, ISSN: invites submissions for upcoming XIth Edition, 2017.  The Legal Desire International Journal of Law (ISSN: 2347-3525) is a peer reviewed journal published quarterly that publishes scholarly articles and commentaries on the law contributed by jurists, practitioners, law professors and students having immense informative value. The object behind the journal is to bring in the close insights of the various contemporary and current issues of law to the readers. Participation in this journal provides an opportunity to authors for concentrated study in specific areas of the law and enhances their skills in legal research writings and analysis. The articles published are also available for open access at ‘Article’ section of Legal Desire’s website.

The Journal is internationally indexed with ‘International Innovative Journal Impact Factor’, ‘Directory of Research Journal Indexing (DRJI)’, ‘CrossRef’, ‘IARC’, ‘EBSCO’ & has tieups with international research organisations including ‘Dr. B.R. Ambedkar International Research Organisation’, ‘Dhammachai International Research Organisation’, ‘YSSSR’, ‘Unmukt Bharat’, ‘World Fellowship for Buddists, Thailand’ etc.

Call for Submissions: The Journal invites submissions for it’s 10th Edition in 3 Volumes in the following disciplines:

Volume 1: Criminal Law

  1. Vulnerability and victimization in Criminal Law
  2. Need for Development in Criminal Law
  3. Custodial Death
  4. Judiciary and media
  5. Procedural lacunae in criminal investigations
  6. Investigative negligence
  7. Political interference in matters of trial
  8. Special treatment accorded in trial of influential offenders
  9. Disparity and discrimination in sentencing

Volume 2. International Law

  1. Arbitration
  2. Space Law
  3. Intellectual Property
  4. Syria Crisis
  5. Territorial Disputes
  6. International Organizations (UN, WTO, ICJ, ICC etc)

Volume 3. Medical Jurisprudence and Forensic Science in Law

  1. Medical Negligence
  2. Medical Councils and their Role
  3. Use of Forensic Science in Justice Delivery
  4. DNA Fingerprinting and it’s scope
  5. Doctor and Ethics

The Author needs to submit their submissions on any of the above themes as per their area of interest and expertise.

Types of Submissions: Please refer to the Instructions for Authors section below before submitting your research work. LDIJL invites authors to submit manuscripts under following heads:

  1. Research Papers/Articles: A thorough analysis of your chosen theme. These can be submitted in two formats
    1. Short Articles: The word limit for articles is between 1,500 to 2,500 words excluding footnotes for being considered for publication in the Journal.
    2. Research Papers: The word limit for research papers is between 5,000 to 8,000 words excluding footnotes for being considered for publication in the Journal.
  1. Legislative / Policy / Book Reviews: A book review should focus on either an autobiography authored by a lawyer which could inspire aspirants and practitioners in the legal field or focuses on a practical issue that is important to know in the legal profession. For instance, a book review on a book that deals with how to bill clients or how to understand a judge’s mind etc. The word limit for book review is between 1,000 to 2,500 words for being considered for publication in the Journal.
  1. Case Comments: A case comment should be a composite comment on some of the leading judgments by various National and International courts. The word limit should be between 1,000-1,500 words for being considered for publication in the Journal.
  1. Responses to scholarly works published in law reviews or books: This involves highly intellectual analysis of the scholarly works by different eminent writers. The opinions should be highly beneficial for the society and those in the legal fraternity. Word Limit should be between 1,000-2,500 words for being considered for publication in the Journal.


  1. All Manuscripts submitted should be typed in font Times New Roman with font size 12, line spacing 1.5’;
  2. Footnotes cited in the manuscript should be typed in font Times New Roman with font size 10, line spacing 1’;
  3. The text and citation must confirm to the 19th Edition of the Bluebook: A uniform system of citation or any uniform method of citation through the whole submission.
  4. Provide a cover letter including your name, institution or affiliation, title of your manuscript, address, telephone number and email address.
  5. The manuscripts should be submitted online in a MS Word format document to with subject as “Submission on *Title of your submission*”

Important Note:

  1. 1. With your submission, you grant the Editorial Board of LDIJL the permission to use the manuscript in the author’s name and will also testify that the following manuscript has not been already used or published.
  2. 2. It shall be the sole responsibility of the author(s) to ensure that all references and citations stated in the submissions are correct and submissions must not infringe copyright / any other rights of any third parties. The submissions must not contain any obscene, offensive, defamatory or racially prejudiced materials. The author(s) shall indemnify the journal in case of any infringement.

Publication Fees: (To be Paid, only after the selection of submission by the editorial board)

  1. For Students (Undergraduate/Post Graduate): 1000/- or USD 50 for Authors outside India.
  • For Research Scholars/Faculty/Professionals: 1500/- or USD 100 for Authors outside India.


  1. The Authors will get the One Complimentary Hard Copy of the Journal delivered to postal (Postal Charges to be paid for International Authors outside India)
  2. Certificate of Publication

Submit your manuscripts at before 30th May, 2017. Please note, there is limited slots for publication and we will be selecting submissions on first-come first-serve basis.

The Journal will be published in July, 2017 after one month editing, reviewing and printing procedure in month of June after the selection of manuscripts. However, the publication certificate will be provided after the selection of the paper for final printing.

It may take a week time for editorial board to review and intimate you about the selection/rejection.

Download:  Journal Information Brochure Click Here

For any queries, Contact:

Ms. Samanvi, Executive Editor

Contact: 7310809383 or email to:

About the Author