Libertatem Magazine

Trade Union as a Tool to Maintain Social Order

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It is a combination that can be a permanent or temporary combination of any people or association for regulating the relations between employer and employee or worker and employers with some conditions which will be imposed for trade and business. 

A trade union is formed without affecting the agreement between the relations of the workers and employers or employees and employers. But if any employee is going to suffer due to some agreement then the trade union can take a stand. But generally, trade unions don’t interfere. 

Each time a problem arises, it is not required to be solved by approaching a strike, rather it could be solved by discussion and mutual understanding. This is taken care of by the trade unions. Trade unions are necessary because they make sure that a dispute does not take place among parties and even though a conflict arises they step in to solve it by discussing the matter with relevant parties and coming to a mutual solution. There are 2 types of trade unions: 

  1. Registered Trade Unions:
  • They get all the privileges and benefits which are given to a trade union
  1. Unregistered Trade Unions:
  • They often face disappointments when it comes to the benefits that are provided under Trade Union Act and cannot enjoy every benefit which the registered ones get but these unregistered ones cannot be termed as illegal.

The main motive of establishing a trade union is for resolving the conflicts or disputes which arise and to also give economic and social justice to the people. Trade unions have a big role in increasing the wages of the workers. Its presence provides job security to the workers. They try their best to balance and maintain the relationship between the employers and employees. They are also formed to improve and protect the interests of the members while their period of employment.


There are majorly four types of Trade Unions:

  1. Craft Union: If some workers belong to the same occupational background or have a specialization in a similar field, they can go forward to form a trade union.
  2. Industrial Union: Workers who have the same industry are welcomed to form a trade union regardless of their craft. The benefit of this union is that one agreement can solve the problem for all workers in the same industry.
  3. General Union: This is a general-purpose union and no discrimination is made between skilled and unskilled workers. General union is for all its members and it is not specifically for any specific kind or community.
  4. Federations: It is the national level apex bodies that consist of affairs of various unions. Members of a similar department or not similar one can also form an association for improving the trade union’s strength.


This Act provides the registration of a trade union, all the requirements, liabilities, duties, responsibilities. This act also provides all the laws and rules one needs to follow for getting registered. It also provides the whole procedure of registration: its mode. This act can also be said as a guideline provider for the worker and employees. It provides privileges to the registered trade unions. It also protects them from civil & criminal prosecutions so that they can proceed with their work.

Every workman has the right for forming a trade union and they also have equal rights for denying to be a member of any trade union. It is fully based on their will to join. But the organizations specifically of workers are not always treated as a trade union.


After World War I, the need of workers and their struggles were recognized and the reason for their strike was taken to serious conditions. This triggered the growth and formation of various trade unions. In 1920, AITUC came into existence in India. It stands for ALL INDIA TRADE UNION CONGRESS. This was created for the benefit of worker’s interest; this also extends the need for the union movement in our country. 

Trade union movement for the first time began in India after the end of the First World War for maintaining and improving the employment conditions. This has been a relevant and important part of the industrial process. During this period and even after, many trade unions were formed in India like: 


In the year 1921, Shri N. M. Joshi who is the General Secretary of AITUC suggested that the government of India should make a registration for better protection of the trade unions. After few years, a new Act came into force, known as the Trade Unions Act, 1926. It was established mainly for protecting trade unions. The 3 biggest trade unions in India in today’s time are

  1. BMS: Bharathiya Mazdoor Sangh
  2. INTUC: Indian National Trade Union Congress
  3. AITUC: All India Trade Union Congress 

Over time, the requirements of securing the interests of employees were taken into account. Today we have more than 70,000 registered trade unions in India.


In my opinion, a trade union is definitively a tool for maintaining the social order because it helps in many fields which improve our economy such as helping in the educational field, providing minimum wages required, improve working conditions so that there will be growth and progress with the work. It also benefits the workers as they are provided with adequate wages and they tend to work happily and enjoy their work due to which a huge growth in the development of industries happens and also the quality of life gets improved. 

It also gives equal opportunities to both workers and employers. They are provided with equal rights which are the basic need. No discrimination is made against race, gender, caste, sex, etc. They also get treated with full respect and dignity. They are not humiliated by any kind of discrimination anymore. Since workers are provided with better facilities, they tend to work more with loyalty and without any excuses. This will lead to progress in the work. It also brings security to their job. It provides more opportunities for promotions and training purposes.


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