Libertatem Magazine

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Libertatem News Network

Hanging Reformation: A deeper look into the Yakub Memon saga

This case has been aptly phrased to be “more about philosophy than about law”. Yakub Memon, the lone convict of the 1993 blast, had been rightly given all the legal options that were there to be exhausted before he was finally hanged on his 53rd birthday (30th July 2015) at

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Home Ministry directed to disclose FIR and Charge Sheet filed by Delhi Police on Assassination of Mahatma Gandhi

Case Law: Hemanta Panda v. National Archives of India, 2015 SCC OnLine CIC 2125, decided on 25.06.2015 The Central Information Commission (CIC) directed that the FIR and charge sheet filed by Delhi Police on the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi must be disclosed disposing of an appeal filed by an RTI activist in the

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Compromise or Settlement in Cases of Rape is not a Viable Solution

Case Law: State of M.P. v. Madanlal, 2015 SCC OnLine SC 579, decided on 01.07.2015 Coming down heavily upon the laxity observed by the Madhya Pradesh High Court in exercising its appellate jurisdiction in the present case wherein the High Court, without proper appreciation of the evidence and considering the compromise entered between the rape

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Parley with Ms. Jyoti Shekar, Senior Associate, Legasis Partners

A person who possesses a rich and diverse work experience is probably the best equipped to tender advice to fresh law graduates seeking counsel over choosing a career path. With an experience of having worked in LPOs, law firms, as an in-house counsel and a legal analyst, Ms. Jyoti Shekar,

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Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board cannot determine the MRP, and compression charges for CNG with regard to city or local gas distribution network

Case Law: Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board v. Indraprastha Gas Limited, 2015 SCC OnLine SC 578 In a big relief to natural gas distribution companies, the Supreme Court on 1st July, 2015 held that Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board (PNGRB) has no power to fix or regulate the

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Compromise or Settlement in Cases of Rape is not a Viable Solution

Case Law: State of M.P. v. Madanlal, 2015 SCC OnLine SC 579, decided on 01.07.2015 Coming down heavily upon the laxity observed by the Madhya Pradesh High Court in exercising its appellate jurisdiction in the present case wherein the High Court, without proper appreciation of the evidence and considering the compromise entered between the rape

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