Libertatem Magazine

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Libertatem News Network

The Patidar Hypocrisy

Recently, when a massive earthquake struck Nepal and some parts of India, Facebook came up with an amazing feature which allows one to mark himself/herself safe in the earthquake. Though ironically, majority of the people who marked themselves safe were from the areas which were least or not at all

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Telemedicine and the Snapdeal Controversies.

Isn’t it just a click away? Isn’t it cheap? Nevertheless, next time when you buy your medicines listed in Snapdeal, Flipkart or other such online marketplaces, think again. Recently, the Food and Drugs Department of Maharashtra have filed cases against Snapdeal for selling drugs without a permit or a prescription

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SANTHARA: A Custom In Question

India is a land of religions and customs, though the recent developments in India have kept the religion and growth at equal level, which was not there fifty years back. After our independence in 1947, massive developments have taken place in our country but the religious customs and beliefs are

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Regulation of Beef Industry: Socio-Legal Implications

Regulation of beef industry in India has had an elongated history, touching upon almost all dynamics of the society, be it social, political, economic or legal. This article aims at making an earnest attempt to understand and analyze socio-legal ramifications of various legislative instruments, judicial decisions and Constitutional provisions which

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Rationalizing Reservation: Patidar Agitation For Quota

The unprecedented mobilisation of the Patidar community for the inclusion in the caste-based reservation turned out to repudiate the precondition for nationhood which sustains establishing the community of formal equals.This whole demonstration was oriented by Hardik Patel, who under the bannership of Patidar Anamat Andolan Samiti (PAAS) gathered around 5

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LexQuest 2nd National Essay Writing Competition, 2015 [Register by 30th October, Submit Essay by 4th November]

After accomplishing LexQuest 1st National Essay Writing Competition, 2014 with flying colours, LexQuest proudly brings to you the LexQuest 2nd National Essay Writing Competition, 2015. The world is increasingly getting dependent on technology, and like any other pillar of the Government, it is indispensable for the judicial machinery to keep up

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Peace Deal With The NSCN-IM: A Historic Beginning

On August, 3, 2015, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, signed a historic peace agreement with the Nationalist Socialist Council of Nagaland. The agreement has taken place between the NSCN-IM and the Government of India, headed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Home Minister Shri Rajnath Singh and the National Security Advisor Ajit

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Ecocide as a ‘Crime against Peace’

One cannot be really hopeful of the peaceful subsistence of humanity, if earth itself is going to have an ailing existence in the future. There is, thus, much doubt cast on the current international and municipal environmental regime, on its efficacy and implementation. There are countless international legal instruments in

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