Libertatem Magazine

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Libertatem News Network

When the World stood with Paris: An International Perspective

November 13th, 2015, has marked yet another crucial day in the timeline of the history of international relations. A sting of terrorist attacks across Paris, that killed almost 120 people, has been the limelight of almost all the news agencies’ coverage across the world and is being marked as the

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The Paris Carnaggio: A Hunting in Trouble Times

There is only one nation in this world that is unshakably sure of itself, its history and its civilizational uniqueness, and that is the nation of France. The recent terrorist attacks on Paris, that took place on 13th November, 2015, have completely tested France’s sense of national fortitude. The first

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Neo- Collegium: The Legacy of Fourth Judges’ Case

In the long drawn battle, the tussle between executive and judiciary has touched another milestone where they have reached the point from which there is no turning back. . The Supreme Court in its recent celebrated judgment of Supreme Court Advocates-on-Record-Association and another Vs. Union of India, also popularly known

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Bihar Elections: A New Stage for the Indian Politics?

The Bihar Assembly elections could be defined as the contest between Nitish Kumar, who is said to have changed Bihar’s fortunes after being voted into power, and Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who is now widely known for his pro-development agenda throughout the country. The recently concluded elections will definitely set

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Indo African Forum Summit, 2015- A New Paradigm added to Friendship

The current developments which took place in New Delhi pertaining to the Indo African ties are sending a message to the world that colossal changes are about to occur in the arena of friendship between India and Africa, greatly strengthening the Indo-African ties. The Indo African Forum Summit, 2015 which

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Idea of Social Justice And Caste Identity In Politics

Introduction In a Democratic setup such as India, federal political system is one of the important features which provide for the balance of power as there is a multi-party system which prevent the center from being a tyrant. Societal arrangement in a democracy is not a natural phenomenon rather it

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The Syrian War: Russia and the West Equation

Introduction It is often remarked that Syria is the only Russian ally in the Middle-East, which up to a great extent is true. Syria heavily relies on the Russian support in its fight against the West-backed opposition. Since the very beginning, Russia has opposed any kind of military intervention from

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Under Trial Prisoners Must be Provided with Their Release Related Information

The Central Information Commission (CIC) in a recent decision Divya Iyer v. Tihar Jail  on 13th September 2015, while reiterating that it is the constitutional responsibility and statutory obligation of the Governments to review each case of under-trial prisoner and take appropriate action including release of the prisoner and inform

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