Libertatem Magazine

Picture of SwapnaRamaswamy


Calcutta High Court addresses the issue of unemployment for an employee who was to be benefited through the Land Losers Scheme of Coal India Limited due to the reason of colour blindness

The petitioner (Pradip Kumar Maji) of this case (Pradip Kumar Maji v. Coal India Limited and others) belongs to that family which lost close to 2.03 acres of land, due to the acquisition made by the Coal India Limited in the district of Burdwan. Coal India Limited had started a

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Calcutta High Court interprets the application of “Normalisation and Equalisation” in grading a candidate in the entrance exam for recruitment purpose

Whether “Normalisation and Equalisation” can be used for evaluation of tests, when the prior instructions do not mention them? Calcutta High court answers the same in the case of Bipul Kumar Biswas and Ors V. Union of India. The judgement was delivered on 24th of April 2020 after a prolonged

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Calcutta High Court’s driver tested Positive for COVID-19, leading to stay on court proceedings, Immediate quarantine of staff/officers who came in contact with the driver

The on-going global pandemic COVID-19 has proven to bring grim consequences for the staff and judges of the Calcutta High Court. Calcutta High Court is always known for its stature as the court of the Presidency town and was one of the earliest in the establishments. Most recently it has

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