Libertatem Magazine

Picture of Shipra Agrawal

Shipra Agrawal

Authority Cannot Interfere With Legal Heir Certificate When There Are No Issues Between 2 Wives: Madras High Court

The petition, filed under Article 226 of Constitution of India in Madras High Court. The case of Lakshmi Jagannathan v. The Tahsildar, Tambaram Taluk, Chennai. was filed for issuance of Certiorarified Mandamus. Justice Mrs Pushpa Sathyanarayana heard and allowed the petition. Facts of the Case The Petitioner filed for a Legal heir Certificate which

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Death in Police Custody Requires Post-Mortem: Madras High Court

The petition, filed under Section 482 of the Criminal Procedure Code in Madras High Court. The case of S. Prema v. The Superintendent of Police and Ors. was filed for an interim direction for conduction of post-mortem by doctors from JIPMER hospital along with direction to SP of police for

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