Libertatem Magazine

Picture of Saakshi.sharma


Delhi High Court Directs Central Government To Ensure No Hindrance in Transportation of Oxygen Under Orders Issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs 

Case: Rakesh Malhotra vs. Government of National Capital Territory of India and Ors Excerpt Transportation of Medical Oxygen was hindered by the local authorities. Observing the grave situation of COVID-19, an order dated 22.04.2021 was issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs under the Provisions of Disaster Management Act. The

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Smog Situation In Delhi: Nature’s Cry for Help

The Crisis The morning of 31st October, 2016, saw the city of Delhi, and a few neighboring areas, shrouded in a blanket of thick smog. While the initial thought of most people was that the winters had hit Delhi early this year, however, the idea faded away quickly when most

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Surgical Strikes: Public Transparency v. National Security

On 30th September, 2016, most leading Indian national dailies proudly proclaimed that the Indian Army had successfully carried out surgical strikes in Pakistan in the dead of the night and managed to attack and destroy seven terrorist base camps while also killing all the terrorist present in those camps. This

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The Misogyny of India – A look at the recent Uber Cab Rape Case

[mks_dropcap style=”letter” size=”52″ bg_color=”#ffffff” txt_color=”#000000″]O[/mks_dropcap]n December 5th, 2014, a 25 year old executive, working for a global company as a financial analyst, was raped by her Uber cab driver. The driver reportedly threatened to kill her if she went to the police, but the woman took a photo of the

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