Libertatem Magazine

Picture of Rithu Krishna B R

Rithu Krishna B R

Canada and the Netherlands Announced to Aid Gambia in Genocide Case

Recently, Canada and the Kingdom of the Netherlands released a joint statement to intervene in the case bought before the ICJ. Background of the Matter Armed attacks, arson, and mob violence forced hundreds of thousands of Rohingya to flee their homes in Rakhine State, Myanmar. This caused them to start

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UK Court Convicts Hashem Abedi for the Manchester Bombing

A UK Court has sentenced Hashem Abedi who assisted Salman Abedi who carried out a suicide bombing at Ariana Grande’s concert in Manchester. He was sentenced to at least 55 years of prison time. Background  On the 22nd of May 2017, the world was rocked when over 14,000 people were

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UN Court Hears Ratko Mladic of Srebrenica Massacre Case on Appeal

Ratko Mladic, former Serbian Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s military commander appealed against his life sentence. He had earlier been convicted of genocide, crimes against humanity, and violation of laws and customs of war. Background  The judgment was rendered on 22 November 2017 by the Trial Chamber of the International

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