Libertatem Magazine

Picture of Raksha Singhal

Raksha Singhal

Does Dress Code Still Matter When Court Proceedings Move Online?

Lawyers should wear appropriate dress code while attending court proceedings. Ever since the Court proceedings moved online, few lawyers are drifting from the rules.  COVID-19’s Impact on Court Proceedings COVID-19 has affected almost everything in the world. The same goes for Judicial Services. It has done something that the judges

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The Impact of Coronavirus on the Indian Pharmaceutical Companies

India is increasing its presence in global pharmaceuticals. Currently, it is the largest provider of generic medicines. It  globally occupies a 20% share in global supply by volume. It also supplies 62% of global demand for vaccines. India ranks 3rd worldwide for production by volume and 10th by value. The

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Legalization of Cryptocurrency in India

Cryptocurrency is an online-based currency that uses cryptographical functions to conduct financial transactions. Therefore, it is free from any government control and interference. It is exchanged among two parties and uses private and public keys.  It helps consumers to escape high fees paid by the traditional financial institution. The RBI

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Boys Locker Room, Cyberbullying, And Other Incidents: When Will Cybercrime End?

Information and communication technologies have developed over the last two decades. ICT has allowed adults as well as children to enjoy unprecedented opportunities. They have been engaging in socialization, education, and entertainment. However, it is important to know that Cybercrime against children are on the rise. Cybercrimes against children is

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