Libertatem Magazine

Picture of Priya Singh

Priya Singh

Brief on Euthanasia and Its Institution in India

Introduction  Euthanasia is a legally recognized procedure of performing an act, the result of which is the death of the sufferer or patient who is terminally ill, with no hope of recovery or in a permanently vegetative state. While this is a topic that hasn’t caught much attention of the

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Karnataka High Court Rejects the Plea Seeking Enforcement of State-Wide Curfew During SSLC Exams to Avoid the Spread of COVID-19 Among Students

A writ petition filed, prayed for the writ of  Mandamus under article 226 of the Indian Constitution. To enforce state-wide curfew type restrictions on the days of SSLC Examination in Karnataka. Facts of the Case The petition concerns SSLC exams dated  25th June 2020 to 4th July 2020.  The petitioner

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