Libertatem Magazine

Picture of Aryan Sharma

Aryan Sharma

Elements of “Attempt” in Criminal Law

An ‘attempt at crime’ occurs when someone attempts but fails to commit a crime. The ‘Law of Attempt’ under the IPC prevents offenders from attempting the offence again, thereby making society safer. The term ‘attempt’ does not have a meaning in the Indian Penal Code. Section 511 of the IPC

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Legal Implications of Surrogacy

A surrogacy agreement is an arrangement to carry a pregnancy for intended parents. Surrogacy can be divided into two main types: gestational and traditional. In the case of gestational surrogacy, pregnancy occurs due to the transfer of an embryo created by in vitro fertilization such that the resulting child is

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Case Laws on Industrial Disputes Act

Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 regulates Labour laws in India as it concerns all the workmen or all the people employed on the Indian mainland. It came into force on 1st April 1947. The employer and the workers always had a difference of opinion which led to lots of conflicts amongst

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John Locke’s Social Contract Theory

John Locke was an English philosopher and physician regarded as one of the most influential Enlightenment thinkers and known as the “Father of Classical Liberalism.” Considered one of the first of the British empiricists, following the tradition of Francis Bacon, he is equally important to Social Contract Theory. He developed

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Case Laws on Misfeasance

It means the “Improper performance of some lawful act.” Misfeasance means carrying out legal and improper action, but it is done in such a way that it harms others or causes injury to other people. Sometimes an act of a person causes harm to other people unintentionally. While all these

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Cyber Terrorism in India

Introduction Using violent means to achieve political goals, especially by targeting innocent civilians, is a hallmark of terrorism., Nonetheless, in the last two or three decades, the world has come to realize that terror can be inflicted on countries and organizations, not just through guns and bombs, but also through

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99th Constitutional Amendment Act

The NJAC proposes to make the appointment of the High Court and Supreme Court judges and chief justices more transparent. They will be selected by the commission, whose members will be drawn from the judiciary, legislature, and civil society. Until the NJAC came along, Articles 124 and 217 of the

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Salient Features of Contract Labour Act

The Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970 was enacted to regulate the employment of contract Labour in certain establishments and to provide for its abolition in certain circumstances. The Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act got the assent of the President of India on 05.09.1970. The ideology behind the

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HLA Hart’s Concept of Law Summarized

Law is to be analyzed in terms of rules which are largely based upon Hart’s theory of law. According to it, the rules are not concerned with what happens but with what has to be done. The Rules are imperative or prescriptive rather than indicative or descriptive. They have certain

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Latest Constitutional Amendment: 104th Amendment

Author Aryan Sharma briefs the reader on the constitutional amendment wherein reservations were due to end.   Introduction The Indian Constitution is the largest in the world. The Constitution proclaims India to be a sovereign, socialist, secular, democratic republic that ensures justice, equality, and freedom for its citizens and endeavours

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