Libertatem Magazine

Picture of Abhay Saxena

Abhay Saxena

Explained: The Right to be Forgotten in India

Right to Privacy is an essential fundamental right which has been enshrined in the Indian Constitution under Article 21 after the Justice K.S. Puttaswamy case. The right also covers the aspect of informational privacy and thus an invasion of the data privacy of an individual would lead to the infringement

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Whether the Right to Marry is a Fundamental Right in India?

In the Article, it is discussed how Judiciary has made it clear that the right of an individual to marry a person of his or her choice irrespective of any caste, race, religion, etc. is a fundamental right and is considered an important part of Article 21 which is the Right to life and personal liberty.

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Explained: Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (Amendment) Act, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought various widespread impacts on every sector of the country, whether it is the corporates or it is the MSMEs. The Indian Government to cope with this situation has time and again introduced a wide range of schemes and initiatives to protect those who are the

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Juveniles in Care Homes: A Comparative and Critical Analysis

It was the year 1989 when the entire world was undergoing certain changes and in the backdrop of such changes, the world leaders came together and made a historic commitment to the children of the entire world. They made a promise to every child that they safeguard them and fulfil

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An Insight into Custodial Death in India

“The occurrence of Custodial deaths in the world’s greatest democracy has raised the eyebrows of every citizen and shaken the faith in the democracy.” [1] The term “Custodial Violence” means the violence which takes place in the custody of the police officer which is third-degree torture undertaken by the police

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