Libertatem Magazine

Picture of Umra Rehmani

Umra Rehmani

Calcutta High Court Directs Its Administrative Wing To Examine Issues Regarding the Maintenance of Uniformity and Consistency in the Quality & Size of Filing Papers in All Courts

The Calcutta High Court on 22nd February 2021 had directed the Administrative wing to examine matters relating to the quality and size of papers that are used for filing the pleadings, vakalatnama, etc., in the Courts of West Bengal and the Union Territory of Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

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Calcutta High Court: CBI’s Authority to Investigate the Matter Within the Ambit of Railway Areas Remains Unrestrained by the Withdrawal of State Govt’s Consent

Case: Anup Majee vs Union of India and others [WPA No. 10457 of 2020] The Calcutta High Court on 3rd February 2021 ruled that the extension of powers of the CBI to investigate in respect of Railway areas falls outside the purview of the State’s authority to grant or withdraw

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Mere Delay in Holding of Test Identification Parade as a Corroborative Proof Cannot Be Pleaded as a Substantive Piece of Evidence for the Acquittal of the Accused: Calcutta High Court

The Calcutta High Court dismissed the appeal [S.T No.1(8)2000/SC 56(2) 1999] filed by the appellants (convicts) against the judgment and order of conviction and sentence under Section 392/397 of the Indian Penal Code. Facts of the case: The complaint, under Sec. 392/397, IPC and Sec. 25(1B) (a) under Arms Act

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