Libertatem Magazine

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L&L Partners Law Offices

Since its inception in 1990 which coincides with India’s economic liberalization, L&L, formerly Luthra & Luthra Law Offices, has assisted numerous multinational corporations to set up their presence in India, and navigate the complex Indian legal system.Our new identity reaffirms inclusiveness and recognizes the contributions of its founder, partners, associates and support staff in creating a leading institution.

What Is the Concept of Alternative Dispute Resolution?

“Litigation has not kept up with modern, fast-moving society… there have been revolutionary changes in the business practices since the basic court structure was adopted from English Common Law… Compared to modern business, Civil Courts have changed very little… Alternative dispute resolution allows the lawyers to use new processes, encourages

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Clash of Egos and a Mute Child Victim: India’s Need for International Parental Child Abduction Laws

“Leave your pride, ego, and narcissism somewhere else. Reactions from those parts of you will reinforce your children’s most primitive fears [i]” Throughout the world, yearning for companionship, affection, and an innate desire to pass-on one’s gene, often form the driving forces behind nuptials. It has been recognized[ii] that the

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Estoppel as a Rule of Evidence and Promissory Estoppel

The word ‘estoppel’ owes its origin to an ancient English word ‘estop’ which originally bore precisely the same signification as the equally ancient word ‘stop’ whereof it is merely a variant. The latter, however, of the two forms has alone survived in general use; while the former, has been exclusively

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The Principle and the Basis for the Doctrine of Promissory Estoppel

The doctrine of promissory estoppel has been a subject of the considerable recent development in England as well as in India. The legal system of England, in the 19th century, was dominated by the difference between law and equity. Law had its own strict rules. Equity, which was considered to

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Doctrine of Promissory Estoppel: Always Keep Your Promise

Lord Denning: “A man should keep his word. All the more so when the promise is not a bare promise but is made with the intention that the other party should act upon it.”[1] The doctrine of promissory estoppel means that “A person is estopped from denying what he has

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