Libertatem Magazine

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Libertatem Events Network

3rd Article writing competition by Brillopedia [ISBN: 978-1636698663]: No publication and registration fee: Submit by December 31

3rd Article writing competition by Brillopedia [ISBN: 978-1636698663]: No publication and registration fee: Submit by December 31   About the blog: Brillopedia can provide interesting articles about law, socio-legal and contemporary issues. We are also providing a platform to publish articles from students, professionals and others. Call for articles: Brillopedia

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Article Writing Competition: Brain Booster Articles [ISBN: 978-1636065946]:An Anthology of Articles Submit by December 31

4th Article Writing Competition: Brain Booster Articles [ISBN: 978-1636065946]: December 2020 Edition- An Anthology of Articles Submit by December 31          About the blog: Brain Booster Articles seeks to provide a platform to everyone who wishes to write or analyze any legal, social-legal and contemporary issues. It seeks to foster research

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Moot Court Competition By REVA University

The School of Legal Studies, REVA University is conducting 2nd National Moot Court Competition in the month of Feburary 2021. We would be pleased if you could publish this post on your website. Please find the content for the event which will be conducted at the School of Legal Studies,

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