Libertatem Magazine

Picture of Arista Dalal

Arista Dalal

A Special Leave Petition Was Filed Before the Supreme Court Questioning the Freedom of Speech and Expression of Media and the Accountability of the Judiciary

The question of freedom of speech and expression of the media, the right to information of citizens, and the accountability of the judiciary to the nation arose before the Supreme Court. The authority of a judge to conduct judicial proceedings and to engage in a dialogue during the course of a hearing and the freedom of the media to report not just judgments but judicial proceedings also came up for discussion. 

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Supreme Court Says States Power To Legislate “Any Backward Class of Citizens” Does Not Violate Basic Structure of Constitution of India

A constitutional bench has been constituted to consider questions relating to the contours and extent of special provisions for the advancement of socially and educationally backward classes (SEBC) among citizens as contemplated under Article 15(4). It also raises the question of reservation for the backward class under Article 16(4). Constitutional (102nd Amendment) Act, 2018 was also challenged.

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Appeals Arise Before the Supreme Court Questioning Whether the Government of India Is Justified in Implementing the MACPS for Civilian Employees From 01.09.2008 and Not From 01.01.2006

Excerpt Several appeals have been made before the Supreme Court questioning the stand of the Government of India in implementing the Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPS) for civilian employees of the Central Government and officers in All India Services, Chairpersons, Members of the Regulatory Bodies (except the RBI) with

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Delhi High Court Says Remdesivir Should Be Made Available Not Merely To Hospitalized Patients but Even to Those Who May Be in Home Isolation

A petition was presented by an advocate practising in Delhi who is suffering from COVID-19. In this petition, he demanded to be provided with Remdesivir injection which has been prescribed to him. Moreover, the Court also observed certain issues regarding the acute shortage of the said drug and ruled that it should be made available not merely to the hospitalized patients but also to the patients who are in home isolation. 

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Supreme Court Says Discrimination Caused by Intersecting Identities, Gender and Disability Amplifies Violence Against Certain Communities

An appeal was filed before the Supreme Court of India after  being aggrieved by the judgment of the High Court of Andhra Pradesh. The High Court affirmed the conviction of the Appellant for offenses punishable under Section 3(2)(v) of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act 1989 and Section 376(1) of the Indian Penal Code. In this case, the Supreme Court in detail points out the violence faced by the women based on gender, caste, disability, etc.

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Delhi High Court Ordered That the GNCTD Should Make All Efforts for the Procurement of Cryogenic Tankers From Whatever Source Available and Look For All Possible Avenues

Excerpt The Petitioner came before the High Court of Delhi expressing its dire need for oxygen on an immediate basis, since they have several patients in ICU, and their lives are at stake. Thus, the Court issued an order dated 24.04.2021 issuing guidelines for immediate availability of the medical oxygen. 

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